Quotes From "Longinus The Vampire: Babylon" By Alan Kinross

Patience is hard when your very soul cries for freedom.
Patience is hard when your very soul cries for freedom. Alan Kinross
Time after time, they brought each other to new heights of ecstasy, until finally, they lay spent in each others arms in the quiet peace and contentment that only lovers know. Alan Kinross
The desert became grim, dark and foreboding. A silence of death lay over the land, and it seemed as though the very stars held their breath and twinkled no more. Alan Kinross
Not so many moons ago, he had been able to run to the summit of the temple without losing a single breath; however, now he felt like an old camel that laboured under a load of corn. Years pass so quickly, and the dreams of youth are lost forever. Alan Kinross
Welcome to Irkalla, the Land of the Dead, ” the woman said. “I am Ereshkigal, Queen of the Underworld. Alan Kinross
As the High Priestess looked down upon the child, she was struck by her holy perfection. She was a tiny person in miniature, and her beautiful eyes, little hands, and long eyelashes were sublime. Alan Kinross